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by CallRevu


Why You Should Switch to a Hosted Phone System  

Gone are the days of hardwired landlines as the primary—or sole—means of business communications. With the advent of social media, email, and other non-telephonic forms of consumer touchpoints, as well as advanced phone systems like VoIPs, staying current and effective necessitates employing a hosted phone system. 

While the intricacies of hosted phone systems are complex and multi-layered, in essence, a hosted phone system is held off-site, meaning little or no on-site equipment and maintenance for your business. The most popular option, VoIPs, operates over an internet line rather than a traditional phone line. There are also other hosted phone systems, like PBX, which have become more costly and less efficient to use. 

Maximize Efficiency and Engagement  

The pros of such a system are many and the cons are few—from automation of mundane interactions to intelligent call routing, hosted phone systems allow consumer-facing sales teams to operate in a more streamlined way. Salespeople can engage with consumers human-to-human when it matters most, armed with more powerful information and data analytics to hyper-personalize their interactions, markedly increasing both the numbers of meaningful interactions they have and the success therein.  

For example, hosted phone systems can collect data in real-time, from the length of calls as it relates to a successful sales experience to the type of questions consumers in certain geographic locations are asking, and then analyze that data expeditiously such that any sales person on the team can understand the climate in which they are working, even before a new call begins. When X is asked, it increases the chances of Y exponentially; when a potential customer says A, it’s likely they’ll need to understand B before moving forward. It takes the old knowledge-is-power adage to a whole new level!  

Build a Stronger Brand

Even further, in this era of a focus on unified communications and omnichannel retail experiences, the reliability of a dealership’s brand—and, relatedly, the trust the consumer builds on their realistic expectations of that brand and what they will receive as part of their experience—is more important than ever. Hosted phone systems offer a built-in and seamless way to ensure that all external-facing customer touchpoints are in line with the overall brand vision, and that all sales team members know the brand they are selling in as nuanced and detailed ways as possible.  

In streamlining call routing and other important, though routine, daily elements of the retail space, utilizing hosted phone systems also frees up leadership time for more invested sales training, analysis, and management. In other words, hosted phone systems allow for better managed information, a stronger brand identity development and understanding, and, if needed, the bandwidth to help any staff members course-correct on either without undue stress on the business. And when there is more time to understand client-facing relationships, more client-facing relationships will thrive, which turns into increased sales numbers and revenues—a win for all.